Projects/ Roles
Sugar Baby
Short Documentary. Producer/ Directed/ Edited
Sugar Baby was a short documentary following the lives of two local Wellington sugar babies who walk us through their lifestyle and the reasons behind their pursuits.
2023 - Camera operator
I camera operated for a shot film called Surkut. This let me hone in on my technical skills and I was able to follow directions with ease. I thoroughly enjoyed camera operation although I did miss the creative input I usually give.
When You See Me
Short Flim First AD Directed by Georgia Cotterill
When You See me is an Indie film following the love story between a poet and a painter. Working as the first AD I got to focus on my management and leadership skills, ensuring everything was done in a timely manner and the creative vision was always intact. Amazing cast and crew. Still unreleased.
Loving Ash
2022 co-writer/co-directer
when I came up with the idea for loving Ash I never thought we would full scale it. With the collaboration of Jean-Marc we turned an idea into a beautiful piece of cinematography. I will always look back fondly on it.
Reality Bites
Podcast- planned, produced and edited by me.
Reality Bites is a podcast series following some very common realities that most overlook. Trying to bring a wider focus to important issues even though they may be uncomforatable.